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Ensuring National Security Through Federal Support of Defense Science and Technology - Public Policy

$ 0.00 - Ensuring National Security Through Federal Support of Defense Science and Technology - Public Policy
$ 0.00 - Ensuring National Security Through Federal Support of Defense Science and Technology - Public Policy
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In the years since the end of the Cold War, general uncertainty in the need for a large defense budget, including public investment in Defense Science and Technology, has had a negative influence on budget planning. Without a major adversary it was difficult to predict the quantity and quality of a threat. There was talk of a terrorist threat, but it was vague and not quantifiable in numbers or quality. Since the DoD has typically based its planning on detailed threat analyses, justifying a large budget has been impossible. Since 9/11, however, the reality of the threat is clear, if not the quantity, quality, and war plan of the adversaries. It is a different kind of war, one which requires some new science and technology and a reprioritization of emphasis on prevention of, as well as reaction to, hostile activities. This speaks for more, not less, government funded defense research in science and technology development. The organizational steps taken in the executive branch to emphasize homeland defense are good, and we are told the struggle will be long and difficult. Therefore, we must maintain a strong defense S&T budget for both short- and long-term applications of new technology in the war on terrorism and homeland defense.